I was absolutely thrilled to receive these photos and testimonial from Emma, a client who used to live in Singapore and has since moved back to England.
Fullerton & Gingerlilys Art In Place Clare Haxby
"I lived in Singapore from 2011-2014 with my husband - we got married there in 2012 and had our wedding reception in the lighthouse restaurant at the top of the Fullerton. My Husband is Maltese but he grew up in Singapore as well as his dad worked there for 13 years. Have really fond memories from our time in Singapore as well as some painful ones as our daughter was born there in 2013 at Gleneagles hospital and has some medical conditions so her first year of life was not easy for any of us  We had our happiest and most difficult times in Singapore but it has got a really special place in our hearts and we think about Singapore a lot. We really miss it! We made lots of trips to the Botanic Gardens whilst there and I just fell in love with your ginger lilies picture - it is so beautiful - and we have a perfect space for it in our living room :) I can't wait to hang our prints, they are  going to make me so happy looking at them everyday!"